
WATER Session
2009. October 16 Friday – 18 Sunday   

* The details of February Sky Session will be announced on our HP and through flyers.

* Program is subject to change. For some events where time and place are not specified, they will be announced at later dates. The most current information will be listed on the website.

October 16, Fri

09:00 Autumn farming
Threshing the rice and making something with straw.

13:00 Dance Min Takana @ Soil stage
15:00 Dance Tetsuo Sanari

17:00 TALK: Japanese traditional festival (Matsuri) and Water by Shoji Sasamoto (historian)

19:00‘Gathering on the eve of the festival’ Organizer: Min Tanaka
With the invited guests, we'll share meals and talk together. History will be illuminated and untangled through enjoyable talks.

October 17, Sat

09:00 Autumn farming
Threshing the rice and making something with straw.
Continued from the previous day.

AM Dance Tomomi Tanabe

12:00 “Song, freed to the field”Masumi Yoshikawa (Soprano)

15:00 Dance Yasuhiko Takeuchi @ Traditional Stage
17:00 Dance Biyo Kikuchi

19:00 The theatrical company Tokyo Kandenchi "The Secret Garden" @ Water Stage (works of art by Noriyuki Haraguchi)
Script by Juro Kara, Stage Direction by Kazue Tsunogae
Performer: Shoko Takao, Shunsuke Tobe, Shoichiro Tanikawa, Yonosuke Tanaka and Akira Emoto.

October 18, Sun

09:00 Autumn farming
Threshing the rice and making something with straw.
Continued from the previous day.

AM Dance Naoka Uemura

12:00 Kagura; sacred (Shinto) music and dance "Uzume no Mai" by Yoshio Toyama @ Rice field

12:00 Grand Lunchen @ Rice field
Lunch will be shared at rice field after the farm work in the morning.

14:00 Dance Ikuya Sakurai
16:00 Dance Yasunari Tamai

19:00 Water performance @ Around the chestnut grove
Stage Direction by Min Tanaka

Closing Party


Noriyuki Haraguchi (artist) will exhibit a part of “Phantom” which was shown in the exhibition “Society and Material” at BankART Studio NYK, Yokohama. (2009)
“Phantom" is the full sides reproduction of the tail part of the fighter air plane, Phantom that has made sortie at the Vietnam war. Please see it in the opeen air.


Children's camp

Period: 10/16-10/18, 2/12-14 in 2010
Limit: 25
Age: 2nd – 8th grade (open for consultation)
Fee: 2,000 yen per day (room and board included)
Leader: Ryu Tanaka
TEL: 090-9334-6493

Children go through experiences living away from their parents. Work with other adults, and play until they get exhausted. With this year’s Dance Hakushu, children will experience farming and playing throughout the whole year. We have prepared a field dedicated for children’s camp. We look forward to meeting you. (We’d like to ask the parents to become supporting members in order to understand the nature of Dance Hakushu.)


Dance Hakushu 2009
Yamanashi Office



Email for info and reservation:
Email: madada(at)
*Please change from (at) to @ mark.
*This website is managed by Madada Inc.

FIRE Session
2009. Aug 8 Sataday – 16 Sunday

SOIL Session
2009. June 12 Friday – 14 Sunday